Thursday, March 26, 2009

Life After Fiftyish

Life sure is funny. By the time you reach your fifties you think things will start to settle down. In some ways they do. I no longer leave the house at 10pm to go clubbing (remember those days). Now, I'm usually getting ready for bed at that time. I don't really care what others think about me or if my bathrooms are spotless. This is one good thing that comes with age, you finally have the confidence to be yourself and not worry about all of the little stuff. Another good thing is that the kids have been raised for the most part and they are off being responsible adults at college (we know this is because of the terrific parenting job we've all done. lol) But with getting older there are also a lot of terrible things that take place that are totally out of our control. Funerals for one. I've attended over 15 in the last 11 years. My parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, a brother-in-law, my best friends parents, and the list goes on. My sister and I often ask, when does the easy life come? When does life start to become fun and carefree? When do we get to travel around the world or have enough money to buy that dream home overlooking the ocean? I guess I really shouldn't complain. I have a great husband, a terrific kid, an adorable puppy, terrific great friends and a beautiful house and food on the table (which I should go eat before it gets any colder). Well, thanks for visiting and please let me know what you'd like to see on this post. I'm new at this and would love your suggestions.


  1. Congrats on starting the blog! I am your first follower and really enjoyed reading it.

  2. WTG Karen, think its great! Today was my Dad's birthday, so easy for me to remember when you first started,,,,lol mine tomorrow. Take care good friend, Deb

  3. Great blog! Love the name and the writing. Can't wait to read more.

  4. Great blog Karen! I'm looking forward to reading more :)

  5. Your blog sounds like it's going to be fun!

    I'm a Baby Boomer Grandma and have 3 blogs!

    Welcome to the community!

  6. Can't believe you started a blog! Sounds like fun. This is your neighbor with the teenage daughter who lives at your house half the time. I'm trying to figure out how to post a comment, and hopefully I'm doing it right.

  7. Great Blog! Keep on writing, your words are easy to read and interesting! I Love the picture of the Beach!
    Mom to 3, Mimi to 1
